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выплата: Jul 31st, 2018
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Монитор : Jul 30th, 2018
Онлайн Дни: 21 дней
Контролируемая: 21 дней
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PerfectMoney Bitcoin Payeer
Bitcoins Income Ltd is a fund management company legally registered in UK. (Company Number 11479847) Founded by seasoned hedge fund traders, we strive to provide a reliable system that is able to generate consistent income for all registered members. Our award winning system The Income Fund was designed by veteran traders and AI researchers. Our trading system was built on state of art quantitative models to extract profits from Bitcoin and Crypto asset markets. The Income Fund is a long/short fund. Consistent profits be generated as long as there's volatility in Bitcoin. Crypto technology will revolutionize every aspect of business. And Bitcoin is the backbone of this new economy. Bitcoin will skyrocket in a few years. But it is extremely volatile, making it one of the most difficult investment vehicle for normal investors. Therefore, we launch this new fund, providing an easy to use platform for every day bitcoin users to earn consistent income. Don't miss this crypto craze, join us and double your investment in just 24 hours!
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