计划:1.3% hourly for 80 hours. Principal inc.
2.5% hourly for 48 hours. Principal inc.
10% hourly for 24 hours. Principal inc.
投资额: $70.00
下线提成: 5-3-1
最低/最大 投资: 5 /50000
最新支付: Jun 22nd, 2019
Monitor Since: Jun 12th, 2019
Online Days: 32 days
Monitored: 32 days
Welcome to the world of cryptocurrency trading! Coinz Hour Limited is a trading firm legally registered in the United Kingdom. It was founded by an elite team of machine learning traders. They have years of experience of applying artificial intelligence technique to stock market tradings. Our team has designed an award winning trading system to capitalize on the Bitcoin(and crypto) market. It has built in algorithm to collect and analyze data from every cryptocurrency on the market. It is connected to major exchanges around the globe,placing trading orders in milli-second once well tested patterns are recognized. Consistent profits are produced day in and day out as the system is able to profit from the extreme volatility of cryptocurrency.
Our system is a long/short fund, meaning it is able to extract profit from the market no matter it's rising or falling. In addition to generate consistent returns, we have the best risk management system in place to ensure that all our members could enjoy stable returns in safe way. Join us, ride the Bitcoin trend and double your investment in 24 hours!